New pointer input options not working?

Support Ticket

New pointer input options not working?+status
New pointer input options not working?+tags

New pointer input options not working?+issues

I'm pretty sure I have it set up right, I copied the +*input and +*options setting from where it is still working.  At first I thought it was because I had the type in the include ("|type:Pointer"), but I moved that to the +*rform and still no joy.  The plus cards for +currencies and +membranes should be multiselect from a cardtype search.


I took a quick look just now and am not yet getting why it doesn't work. Will take a deeper look after xmas; feel free to ping me about it by irc/email/smoke signals...

  --John Abbe

*input and *options are now "patternized". In other words, the settings now attach to sets, not to individual pointer cards.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sun Dec 27 14:06:23 -0800 2009

Ok, now that makes sense. I'm still a little iffy on the interface, but that's more of a general problem that is getting worse. All those menus buried all over is not a good design really. I know coming up with good alternatives is slow business, but we will need to address it at some point.


So for this sort of thing, I'm adding to |right name|+*right+(*input, *options), which I have to just know or look up. I'm guessing you are already working on how to put this type of setting in a logical place? Is the +*rform still in + ...


In any case, problem solved.

  --Gerry Gleason.....Sun Dec 27 14:52:57 -0800 2009

Well, we're deliberately hiding the set interface for now, as it's new and needs kinks worked out. But once permissions have been patternized, all the settings will be available under one tab.


Plenty of ideas for improving "related", too, but that will have to wait until after vacation :)

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sun Dec 27 14:56:06 -0800 2009