Show All Edits In Recent Changes



By default edited Wagn cards only show up once on recent changes no matter how many times they've been edited. This keeps up Wagn's simple style but is actually disadvantageous. It doesn't show the true activity of the wiki and makes it harder to see what's actually going on or how much activity there is in a particular area. This will also present problems with Google as they use links as an indicator of relevance in their Page Rank voodoo. If there's only one link on recent changes to an article that's been changed twenty times, Google will miss out on the true relevance of that card.




I'd like to show all edits, but by default I think they should be grouped by card. (design needed)


I'm skeptical of the Google claims. It's not easy to hack their algorithms by linking to something 20 times on a page.

--Ethan McCutchen.....2014-08-16 22:36:27 +0000