apply *table of contents immediately



it's a cache issue. cards are cached with or without toc and changes won't show until they are resaved. as workaround, just resave the card. not sure how best to approach deeper solution yet, but it probably involves some sort of conditional cache clearing.



Don't edit this, or the cache will update and the toc will disappear:










Weird. The TOC went away, even though i didn't edit it.


not seeing the issue.  Wondering if there's not a caching issue.  If you create a toc card, you may have to re-save the original card for the toc to show up.  Can you test to see if that's the behavior, and if so, fix the issue, solution, and example sections here to reflect that?

Not able to recreate the behavior now. Closing.

  --John Abbe.....Sun Dec 14 18:26:44 -0800 2008

Happening here now:*table_of_contents

Seems like this is real, but something is happening occasionally that clears any given instance of it.

  --John Abbe.....Wed Apr 08 12:45:09 -0700 2009

it's a cache issue. cards are cached with or without toc and changes won't show until they are resaved. as workaround, just resave the card. not sure how best to approach deeper solution yet, but it probably involves some sort of conditional cache clearing.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Fri Aug 21 12:58:50 -0700 2009

Are you sure that's it? Sometimes the TOC does disappear right away (see example). Also, on we've added *toc to many of the patterns, and eventually the toc does go away, although we are not editing the Pattern cards themselves (they're hard-formatted). But in that case, maybe something else is updating the cache.

  --John Abbe.....Fri Aug 21 13:50:44 -0700 2009

this issue was resolved with the cache refactor.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Feb 07 23:27:39 -0800 2011