ignore styling when rendering plus-*add or edit help



Form styling around inclusions is (sometimes?) affecting +*edit help. (and card header text)


CSS should make it so that styling in included cards in open view / closed view is minimally impacted by any styling around it, where as content / naked view should inherit as much as possible.


I set up a test on test.dwagn and it's behaving differently, not sure why.


http://test.dwagn.org/wagn/HardTempType+*type+*content styles +title as bold, and +foo as h1.  Neither is showing up in View mode(!), or affecting help text when you multi-edit, but if you double-click to edit, you see the styling affecting h1. http://test.dwagn.org/wagn/HardTempTestCard


If you look at +role on http://grasscommons.org/card/edit/John_Abbe you see the h1 styling of +role on http://grasscommons.org/User+*type+*content (it's also there via double-click).


any idea what this means, john?

yep, updated example

  --John Abbe.....Sun Feb 13 22:01:42 -0800 2011

Cool. Got it.


FYI, if you want to have the bold show up in view mode in something like the HardTempTestCard, then it's best to use something other than a Basic card -- in the css, the "p" tag default values are set explicitly, and since p is on the same level as strong, its "font-weight:normal" setting overrides the strong setting.


So do you think the solution above is roughly what we want?

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Feb 14 08:37:42 -0800 2011

(btw, I do think this kind of thing is important to work out *before* going to skins, because we will want to set up good patterns for what issues skins address)

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Feb 14 08:38:44 -0800 2011

Not seeing how the solution makes sure that help text is not styled?

  --John Abbe.....Mon Feb 14 09:23:03 -0800 2011

it sounded like you were seeing it when you double-clicked (as in, in the open view).


or full view or whatever we want to call it when the card has the header. it's all the same from css's standpoint (so far at least)

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Feb 14 10:34:04 -0800 2011

I'm actually not seeing the issue in the help text on test.dwagn.org, but I am seeing it on the menus. solution needs to add a case for edit in multi, though.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Feb 14 10:36:07 -0800 2011

When you double click on "Junk" the menus are bold but "I should not be bold." is not? That would be very odd, I'm seeing it as bold right now.


Multi-edit is confusing, since on http://grasscommons.org/card/edit/John_Abbe I'm seeing "How do you see your role at Grass Commons?" as a header, but on the test example that doesn't happen.

  --John Abbe.....Mon Feb 14 14:03:22 -0800 2011

This appears to be working now?

  --Ethan McCutchen.....2013-04-03 15:54:45 +0000