implement read-only mode




no new or edit interface, no comment boxes, no saving...


handle a bunch of controller methods and the comment box thing


no "Save as current"


Account stuff:

No mail me a new password (which changes the password in the database, right?)
no sign up, no invite, no accept...

almost all the account controller methods are gone, too


These two are "on the way out," so probably ok with skipping them if they're hard:

No saving in Options tab

No saving from global permissions page




When/how is this mode applied in practice?

When: when some system update/problem/concern compels us to do this in order to avoid data loss. Significant structure migrations, moving data from one server to another, some major security threats...


How: for starters will probably be done very low level (eg, editing wagn.rb and restarting server). If warranted we could eventually add interface, but I kind of think of this like a boot mode for an OS, so I'm not foreseeing major ROI on building interface.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Nov 18 15:51:56 -0800 2010