implement recent changes as a card



This would make it possible to have custom text at the top of recent changes, and generally we like to eliminate coded cards (in this case *recent) when possible.




Also, this would make it possible to (without coding) change the search being used to eliminate star cards, which would reduce the noise for non-Wagneers and make RC more useful to them.


Wagneers could then add an RC with everything, linked from the sidebar, although this might be another candidate for preferences to let them use the usual RC. Or, we could come up with a clever way to Wagneer which search you see based on your role... --John

Curious why you closed this?

  --John Abbe.....Sat Apr 07 14:22:21 +0000 2012

*recent used to be a virtual card, which is what this idea was about. it's a real card now (albeit one tweaked in a pack, mostly for grouping).

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sat Apr 07 18:57:41 +0000 2012